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An anonymous, third-party reporting system provides employees with a safe way to report concerns about theft, fraud, bullying and harassment in the workplace.

Why Choose Cornerstone?

Easy-to-use, cost-effective internal reporting system.

Cornerstone provides a cost-effective whistleblowing service for public and private companies and non-profit organizations that want to be proactive about their employees’ wellbeing, and are invested in building confidence in their organizations, by improving their governance practices.

Our reporting system allows organizations to receive reports of unethical or improper conduct including theft, fraud, bullying, and harassment. Our service is available in English and French and allows your employees to submit reports anonymously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The end result is a happier workforce and a more positive and effective workplace, leading to a stronger bottom line.

Our whistleblowing service is the perfect complement to your Human Resources department or your current whistleblowing program. Help your employees feel less isolated by giving them the assurance of an unbiased third-party partner.

Whistleblowing Has Evolved

What began as a way for public company employees to report theft and fraud in the workplace has become a critical internal reporting mechanism used by all organizations, whether a public or private company or a non-profit organization.

Today, #MeToo, anti-bullying and anti-harassment movements, and cancel culture can have a swift and devastating effect on a company. Employers are encouraged to find ways to provide their employees with a safe and ethical workplace. Companies want to be proactive about protecting their employees' well-being and are invested in building confidence in their organizations as part of good governance.


If you are interested in learning more about how Cornerstone’s whistleblowing service can benefit your organization, please contact us.

It is important to create and implement a whistleblowing policy that meets the specific needs of your organization. For considerations on creating your policy click here.

Benefits of a Whistleblowing Service

A whistleblowing service offers more than anonymity to your employees.

The last thing your organization needs is bad press because of criminal or unethical behaviour such as sexual harassment, theft or negative statements from disgruntled employees. Issues like that can drag out for a long time and be very difficult for an organization to recover from.

A whistleblower hotline can enhance employee morale, improve organizational culture, and protect employees and the organization.

Whether you have a public or private company or a not-for-profit organization, a whistleblowing service is a valuable asset because it helps to build trust and confidence internally and externally.

The reality is that companies lose hundreds of thousands of dollars every year because of absences related to stress, disengagement issues, and turnover, which can stem from employees feeling undervalued and alone.

Cornerstone ensures anonymity for your employees who need to report inappropriate behaviours or situations that are negatively impacting their work lives. All communications and follow-ups to the report are filtered through our service, protecting the identity of the whistleblower.


Having a whistleblowing service definitively shows that you are fully committed to doing the right thing.  

A whistleblowing service gives them a place to go when they need it, making it a positive business investment because you are giving your employees the power of an unbiased third-party reporting system. Those reports can then be used by your designated investigator(s) to internally resolve issues like:

  • Theft/Fraud/Embezzlement

  • Health and Safety

  • Harassment/Victimization

  • Workplace Violence

  • Discrimination

  • Employee/Management issues

  • Policy Breach

  • And more

A whistleblowing service, combined with your internal program, gives your organization more power because it can:

  • Improve your efficiency

  • Increase morale

  • Reduce legal risk

  • Improve employee confidence

  • Discourage unethical behaviour

  • Decrease turnover

  • Improve health and safety

  • Give you essential information for investigations